Metal 3D Printing

Metal 3D printing technology, as an advanced additive manufacturing technology, has a high degree of customization advantage, which can customize complex structures that traditional methods cannot achieve, such as curved surfaces, hollows, porous structures, etc., with high flexibility and quality.

custom 3D printing
Custom 3D Printing Service Fundamentals in Malaysia

Custom 3D Printing Service Fundamentals in Malaysia

There are many types of raw materials for custom 3D printing technology, including metal, plastic, nylon, resin, stainless steel, ceramics, and other materials. Precision 3D printing services provide the most advanced 3D printing technology and materials and use 3D printers to manufacture digital models into workpieces of the desired shape. Metal 3D printing services and carbon fiber 3D printing services are widely used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, healthcare, art, and architecture.

custom 3D printing

Custom 3D Printing SLS Technology

Laser sintering 3D printing technology mainly utilizes the basic principle of high-temperature sintering of powder materials under laser irradiation and achieves precise positioning through a computer-controlled light source positioning device, and then sintering and stacking layer by layer to form.

Compared with other Malaysian precision 3D printer technologies, the most prominent advantage of SLS technology is that it can print a wide range of raw materials. Due to its advantages such as wide applicability, material saving, good performance of molded parts, variety of molded materials, and no need to design and manufacture complex support systems, SLS technology is widely used in many industries.

The main advantages of SLS are as follows.

(1) Compared with other processes, it can produce products with high strength and excellent material properties, and can even be directly used as end products.

(2) There are many types of raw materials available for use, including engineering plastics, wax, metals, ceramic powders, etc.

(3) The construction time of the parts is relatively short, and the products printed through this technology have the characteristics of high precision density.

(4) This technology does not require the design and construction of supporting components.

custom 3D printing

Custom 3D Printing FDM Technology

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology is the process of heating and melting filamentous hot melt materials, while a 3D nozzle is controlled by a computer to selectively apply the materials onto a workbench based on cross-sectional profile information. After rapid cooling, a layer of cross-section is formed. After one layer of molding is completed, the machine worktable descends one height (i.e. layer thickness) before molding the next layer until the entire solid shape is formed. It has a wide variety of molding materials, high strength and precision of molded parts, and is a practical manufacturing technology.

The advantages of FDM technology in Malaysian custom 3D printing

  1. Compared to photopolymerization printing, FDM technology in custom 3D printing has a relatively larger printing space, faster speed, supports a wider variety of materials, is compatible with more industries, and uses more cost-effective materials
  2. The printing process is relatively simple and the process flow is short, allowing for direct printing without the need for scraping or other processes.
  3. Manufacturing costs (maintenance costs are relatively low, and prices are very competitive.
  4. The construction principle and operation of hot melt extrusion components are relatively simple, maintenance and operation are convenient, and the system operation is relatively safe.
  5. The utilization rate of raw materials is high, and the material has a long shelf life.
  6. Reduce environmental pollution, with no chemical changes in raw materials during the molding process. In the FDM printing manufacturing process of custom 3D printing, noise, and pollution will be lower than in traditional manufacturing.
  7. The use of water-soluble support data makes the removal of stent structures simple and easy, enabling the rapid construction of complex internal cavities, hollow parts, and one-time formed assembly structural components.
custom 3D printing

Custom 3D Printing 3DP Technology

Among the various schools of Malaysian custom 3D printing technology, this technology is also recognized as the most promising in color reproduction, and the products printed by devices based on this technology are also the closest to the original design effect in practical experience.

The 3DP process in custom 3D printing is similar to the SLS process, using powder materials such as ceramic powder and metal powder for forming. The difference between the two technologies is that the material powder is not connected by sintering, but rather the cross-section of the part is “printed” onto the material powder using adhesive (such as silicone) through a nozzle. Parts bonded with adhesive have lower strength and require post-processing.

The advantages of 3DP technology in custom 3D printing

  1. Fast molding speed, no need for supporting structures, and the ability to print full-color products.
  2. Forming materials are widely used: nylon powder, ABS powder, and gypsum powder.
  3. Fast printing speed, no need to add support.

Custom 3D Printing SLA Technology

The raw material for photopolymerization technology is mainly photosensitive resin, which is focused onto the surface of the photopolymerization material by a specific wavelength and intensity of laser (ultraviolet light), causing it to solidify sequentially from point to line and from line to surface, thus completing the drawing of a layer cross-section. Then lift and lower the printing table vertically by one layer thickness unit, and then irradiate and solidify the next layer. This completes the process of solidification and movement in a loop, thereby stacking layers to complete the printing of a three-dimensional solid.

The advantages of SLA technology in Malaysian custom 3D printing

  1. High printing accuracy, capable of printing prototypes and molds with complex structural shapes or difficult to produce with traditional techniques.
  2. Fast printing speed, convenient photosensitive reaction process, and production of workpieces in a short period without the need for cutting tools and molds.
  3. Produce parts with particularly complex and intricate shapes, which are very suitable for rapid prototyping of small-sized components.

custom 3D printing allows businesses from various industries to build unique and desired products that meet specific requirements by utilizing digital design files. custom 3D printing technology has great advantages in achieving products with specific shapes, no matter how complex the shape of the product is, it can be manufactured through this technology. When used for small-scale manufacturing, efficient production effectively reduces manufacturing costs.

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