Rapid Prototype Plastic Injection Molding Process Guidelines

Prototype Plastic Injection Molding









P20, 718, S136, 2738 etc



Automotive parts, industrial parts, medical parts, household

Prototype plastic injection molding technology can achieve precise and rapid production of mold cores and cavities, and can also be directly used for the production of plastic samples for timely detection and correction of errors, effectively preventing major problems and losses in the future.

Advantages of Prototype Plastic Injection Molding

  • Efficient
  • Low Cost
  • High Precision
  • High Flexibility
  • Greenization

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Prototype plastic injection molding has faster speed and shorter manufacturing cycles, and the main tool of this process is the prototype mold, also known as rapid mold or soft mold. Traditional ordinary molds usually use mechanical processing, which has a long design and manufacturing cycle, and once put into use, the maintenance cost after discovering problems is extremely high, especially for some more complex or large products. The emergence of prototype injection molding molds has greatly reduced this risk. Its forging process is simple and adapts to the development of modern industry, making it an advanced mold manufacturing technology.

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The Production Method of Prototype Molds

Prototype plastic injection molding molds are important tools for prototype injection molding, and their production methods can be divided into two types: direct and indirect manufacturing.

1.Direct Prototype Mold

-Principle: The direct method of prototype injection molding molds mainly involves two aspects, namely the actual core and the creation of cavity mold inserts. Geometric shapes that are difficult to generate using other methods can be efficiently achieved using this method. A good example is the conformal cooling technology, which is achieved by aligning the internal cooling channels with the contour of the mold cavity, which can make the heat dissipation of the mold more uniform and shorten the cooling time by more than half.

-Step: The manufacturer needs to use CAD software to model the mold; A tool that uses a printer or machine to send files and create master molds or patterns; The function of this main mold is usually very powerful and can be used to make molds or other tools. The materials it creates can be various materials with unique characteristics. This main model can be used for less sturdy soft tools or durable hard tools. Many tools or molds can be manufactured in large or small quantities from a single master mold, and then more prototypes can be manufactured.

-Advantages: Direct prototype molds can be manufactured in a very short time, requiring less resources and time. Mold manufacturing is simple, which can shorten customer waiting time and greatly accelerate manufacturing speed.

2.Indirect Prototype Mold

-Principle: Indirect rapid tooling is used to manufacture molds or stamping dies by using additive manufacturing mother molds. Even though there are many indirect manufacturing technologies, the most widely used one is still the “soft mold” technology. The soft mold method typically uses silicone molds to make plastic parts. The goal of conducting indirect prototype mold processing is testing and experimentation. For example, when customers and manufacturers hope to test various materials and have detailed designs in place, indirect prototype molds can effectively address this demand. In this way, molds and multiple testing tools can be easily and efficiently manufactured from the same mother mold.

-Step: The manufacturer needs to use tools or CAD software for measurement, and then send the file to a printer or machine to create a real mold or tool for creating prototypes. This can be achieved by creating the desired shape from scratch using a 3D printer (additive method), or by cutting the raw material into the desired shape using a CNC machine tool (subtractive method). Prototypes can be directly made from the tools or molds being manufactured.

-Advantages: During the entire prototype production process, the main mold is sturdy and elastic, and unless there are changes in the mold design, the main model is rarely damaged. The main reason for their small changes is that the mother molds of each quick tool and mold are the same.

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Application of Prototype Plastic Injection Molding

Many manufacturers choose prototype injection molding as a plastic production method because it has more prominent advantages and wider applications compared to traditional molds.

  1. CNC Machining

When producing prototypes and customizing parts for CNC machines, the necessary tools are manufactured quickly, ensuring shorter delivery times and enabling manufacturers to accelerate the design process. Then, these tools used in CNC machine tools can accurately cut and shape materials, and can also efficiently produce complex components. It has been proven that prototype molds have strong adaptability in CNC machining and are beneficial, as they can operate in areas with high requirements for speed and customization for small-scale production.

  1. Die Casting

In die casting, prototype molds can efficiently manufacture molds for producing complex and detailed parts. Rapid manufacturing of these molds can shorten the production cycle, reduce the time required for tool setup, and improve speed, which is particularly important and even necessary for the automotive and consumer electronics industries. The prototype mold process ensures that the mold can be quickly prepared, thereby aiding in the efficient casting of precise and detailed components.

  1. Sheet Metal Processing

Prototype molds involve the rapid creation of molds or punches and the forming of metal sheets. This process is crucial for the design of the prototype and customization of the shell. In addition, prototype molds in sheet metal manufacturing can quickly produce protective shells for electronic devices and machinery. For the automotive industry, the manufacturing of prototype molds facilitates the rapid creation of tools for forming vehicle panels and body components.

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Maintenance of Prototype Plastic Injection Molding Molds

Although the manufacturing and operation process of prototype plastic injection molding molds is relatively simple, if improper maintenance leads to mold damage, repairing or remaking also requires countless efforts.

  1. Precautions for Use: During the use of the prototype injection mold, special attention should be paid to some usage precautions, such as preventing injection pressure and speed from being too high or too fast, which may cause damage to the mold; Avoid continuous or prolonged operation and allow for appropriate cooling time to allow the mold to cool sufficiently; Prevent excessive temperature and pressure from causing irreversible damage to the mold.
  1. Lubrication and Maintenance: Because prototype injection molds sometimes require long-term continuous operation, the friction force received by each component is relatively high. At this time, good lubrication is essential for the maintenance of the mold. Therefore, manufacturers need to regularly lubricate and maintain the sliding parts, transmission system, and guiding parts of the mold. They can choose specialized mold lubricating oil or grease based on the material and working environment of the mold.
  1. Rust Prevention Treatment: Typically, prototype injection molds are made of metal materials, which can easily be oxidized or corroded. Therefore, manufacturers need to regularly carry out rust prevention treatment on the mold, specifically by using rust inhibitors or lubricating oil to coat the surface of the mold, forming a protective film to prevent mold rust and corrosion.
  1. Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspection and maintenance of prototype injection molds are the most important parts of mold maintenance. During the inspection, it is necessary to carefully observe whether there is any damage, wear, deformation, etc. in various parts of the mold, and promptly repair or replace them. Especially for some components that are prone to friction, such as nozzles, ejector pins, ejector plates, etc., regular inspections are required. If they are severely damaged, they need to be replaced promptly.
  1. Cleaning and Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance of prototype injection molds is very important. During the long-term use of the mold, it is inevitable that some plastic residues and oil stains will accumulate on the surface of the mold. If not cleaned promptly, it will have a serious impact on the normal production and operation of the mold. When cleaning, specialized cleaning agents and brushes can be used according to the material of the mold, but attention should be paid not to misuse of highly corrosive cleaning agents, especially on the surface of metal molds, which may cause significant damage.
  1. Storage Management: When the prototype injection mold is temporarily not in use or has been used up, operators and manufacturers also need to store it correctly. Manufacturers should carry out lubrication and rust prevention treatment, preferably covered with a thin film. Then, it should be placed in a dry and ventilated environment to prevent corrosion and moisture.

The Advantages of Prototype Plastic Injection Molding Molds in the Precision Field

Prototype plastic injection molding molds have a wide range of applications, especially for some complex products. The emergence of prototype molds can greatly improve their fault tolerance.

   1.Medical Field: The medical industry has very strict requirements for precision, and medical injection prototypes also need to meet qualified hygiene standards, so the production of prototypes is crucial. Prototype molds for medical equipment can accelerate the development process of products, making them more advanced and effective.

    2.Aerospace FIeld: The most prominent feature of products used in aerospace is their small batch size but high requirements. The high cost of material usage and complex design requirements for aerospace components make prototype molds an ideal choice. For example, aircraft mounts or other similar precision components.

     3.Automotive Field: The production process of injection molds for automobiles is usually very time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, the emergence of prototype molds has greatly saved manufacturing time and energy. For example, prototype molds can help upgrade and update automotive components, which is beneficial for the advancement of automotive technology.

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