Checking Fixture

Checking fixture can provide manufacturers with reliable and efficient quality control methods. This tool has many advantages, not only ensuring that the size, shape, and function of the product meet the requirements, but also improving the efficiency of the production line.

checking fixture
Checking Fixture Standards

Checking Fixture Standards

There are many checking fixture standards. The use of checking fixtures in the manufacturing process is aimed at detecting whether the product meets the required shape, tolerance, positional accuracy, and contour accuracy, as well as being a commonly used online  fixture testing with simple structure, convenient operation, and high detection efficiency. It is also a convenient and efficient tool for detecting and monitoring product dimensions in the manufacturing industry. The checking fixture plays a crucial role in checking the accuracy of parts during the production process. The inspection fixture is mainly used to detect errors and changes that occur during the production process, which is conducive to timely addressing quality issues during the process and avoiding product quality issues. So detect product deviations as early as possible, reduce material waste, and avoid unnecessary troubles. The sole purpose of using checking fixtures is not to determine whether the product is qualified, online testing can provide relevant data on manufacturing process performance. Gauge standards can be divided into various forms based on their purpose and complexity, to achieve high-precision measurements.

checking fixture

Design Checking Fixture Standards

A qualified product that meets the requirements needs to be guided in the inspection process according to the standard requirements. As an important measuring equipment, a guidebook is needed to guide operators to quickly and safely determine whether the product meets the design standards. The format of the operation manual for gauges is diverse, and each gauge manufacturer has their requirements and standards. Therefore, some requirements may be different, but the purpose is the same. The operation manual for gauges mainly includes the usage method, maintenance method, design steps, and storage environment requirements of the gauges, ensuring that every inexperienced operator can operate the gauges according to the specifications after receiving training on how to use the gauges.

The methods and steps for designing standard checking fixtures are as follows:

1.Set Measurement Standards: Select appropriate measurement standards based on the accuracy requirements of the measuring tool, such as steel balls, hole pins, cylinders, etc. Determine measurement points: Determine measurement points for the parts that need to be calibrated on the fixture, which should reflect the shape and dimensional accuracy of the fixture.

2.Sampling and Testing: Sample and test the parts that need to be calibrated. Sampling is used to help protect the metal surface, while testing is used to determine the parts that need to be adjusted.

3.Adjustment Detection: Check the shape and dimensional accuracy of the inspection tool. If any parts need to be adjusted, make appropriate modifications according to the requirements. After the modifications are completed, check again whether the specified requirements are met.

4.Record Data: Record the results of the checking fixture that meets the standards in the report and save them. The report should include information such as the name, number, calibration date, measurement standard, measurement points, and measurement results of the measuring tools.

Specifically, when calibrating gauges, attention should be paid to the following points: corresponding measurement points should be selected based on the different designs and uses of the gauges, which can reflect the accuracy and shape characteristics of the gauges. There are many measurement methods, and the appropriate measurement method should be selected based on the position and shape of the measurement points.

Selection of measuring equipment: Suitable measuring equipment should be selected based on accuracy requirements, such as image measuring instruments, wheel measuring instruments, etc. In addition, during the calibration process, attention should also be paid to the influence of environmental factors on the accuracy of the calibration tool, such as temperature, humidity, lighting, etc., to ensure the accuracy of the calibration results. At the same time, to ensure the long-term stability and reliability of the gauges, they should also be regularly tested and calibrated.

checking fixture

Standard Factors for Checking Fixture

A checking fixture is a commonly used tool in industrial production, which is a precision tool used for measuring, inspecting, and calibrating the size and shape of parts. The design of a checking fixture is related to the accuracy and quality of products, so it is necessary to pay attention to some key points and details when designing a checking fixture. The following are some key points and factors to pay attention to when designing checking fixture:

1.Accuracy Requirements: The design of the measuring tool should first consider the required accuracy requirements. Determine the measurement range and accuracy level of the checking fixture based on the size and shape of the product.

2.Material Selection: The materials selected will also vary depending on their functionality and usage environment. In general, gauges need to have certain hardness and wear resistance characteristics, and there are many commonly used materials, mainly including hard alloys, high-speed steel, and stainless steel.

3.Structural Design: The structural design of the checking fixture should consider the convenience and stability of use. Reasonable structural design can improve usage efficiency and reduce errors.

4.Selection of Standard Parts: To improve the accuracy and reliability of checking fixture, standard parts can generally be used in the design process of checking fixture because they also play a significant role, such as standard air hole blocks, standard reference rods, etc.

5.Maintenance: When designing gauges, consideration should also be given to the maintenance issues of the gauges, and a structure that is convenient for cleaning and lubrication can be designed. Maintaining the checking fixture can help extend its service life.

6.Grinding and Polishing: The grinding and polishing process of the checking fixture determines the smoothness and accuracy of the surface of the component. So when designing gauges, it is important to pay attention to the grinding and polishing process.

7.Thermal Stability: As the gauge may be affected by temperature during use, the design of the gauge should consider thermal stability. Be sure to choose materials with low thermal expansion coefficients or design temperature compensation mechanisms.

8.Dust and Waterproof: Gauges often need to be used in harsh environments such as factory workshops, so it is necessary to design structures with good sealing performance or use waterproof materials.

9.Convenient Operation: The design of the measuring tool should have the advantage of simple operation, making it convenient for operators to measure and calibrate, while also considering the principles of ergonomics, to make work more convenient.

10.Vulnerable Parts: Technicians can design detachable structures or add protective measures for vulnerable parts. Due to the vulnerability of vulnerable parts in checking fixture, such as wear and deformation, attention should be paid to the replacement and repair of vulnerable parts during design.

In summary, designing a checking fixture requires consideration of many aspects, such as precision requirements, suitable materials, structural design, selection of standard parts, grinding and polishing, thermal stability, dust and water resistance, easy operation, vulnerable parts, and maintenance. Only by considering the above factors can we design high-precision, stable, and reliable gauges that meet the requirements.

checking fixture

Standard Requirements for Automotive Checking Fixture

To ensure the effective judgment of the quality of automotive parts and to ensure that the quality of automotive parts meets the requirements, the first step is to correctly select the positioning reference, positioning method, and positioning components according to the product drawings. In special cases, reasonable positioning should also be carried out according to the specified requirements, to have a constant and accurate positioning reference to ensure maximum repeatability and linearity. It is also important to pay attention to the impact of other structures in the checking fixture on the detection function. The checking fixture must have sufficient stiffness, and the strength and wear resistance of the relevant components should also be paid attention to when using the checking fixture multiple times, which is beneficial for improving the service life of the inspection tool.


The checking fixture should meet the requirements of productivity, and the complexity of the specialized checking fixture should be suitable for the production program. Various fast and efficient structures should be used as much as possible to ensure simple operation by technical personnel. Reducing manufacturing time can help improve productivity. It is necessary to appropriately improve the degree of generalization and standardization of checking fixture components, and select standardized components, especially commercialized standard components, to shorten the checking fixture manufacturing cycle and reduce the time of operators.


It has the characteristic of good process performance, and the structure of the checking fixture should be as simple and reasonable as possible, to facilitate production, assembly, adjustment, testing, and maintenance. The manufacturing of specialized gauges belongs to single-piece production. When the final accuracy is guaranteed by adjustment or repair, a structure that is easy to adjust and repair should be set on the gauge.


Good usability. The operation of specialized checking fixture should be simple, mainly including the picking and testing of products, the operation and handling of clamps, and have the advantages of labor-saving and safe reliability. Under objective conditions that allow and are economically applicable, manual labor should be avoided as much as possible, and hydraulic-related mechanized clamping devices should be used to reduce the labor intensity of technical personnel.


The standard design of checking fixture components has many stages, mainly including heat treatment, assembly, cutting production, rough embryo production, etc. These stages are closely related, and when designing the structure of the inspection tool, technicians must pay attention to comprehensive design, distinguish the role of each structure, and each different structure has different good structural and technological performance.


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