PVC Injection Molding

The main principle of PVC injection molding technology is to inject molten PVC material into the mold cavity, cool it, and solidify it to form products with excellent physical properties and chemical stability.

pvc injection molding

PVC Injection Molding

PVC injection molding process is the process of injecting PVC particles or powder into a mold through heating and pressure, and then air cooling to form a product.
PVC Injection Molding Process:
  • Mould design
  • Prepare raw materials
  • Injection molding
  • Subsequent processing

PVC Injection Molding Capabilities

Strict control and debugging are required during the PVC injection molding process, otherwise the product is prone to defects.




Hard PVC

59 in. x 51.2 in. x 17.7 in.

1500mm x 1300mm x 450mm

Soft PVC

59 in. x 51.2 in. x 17.7 in.

1500mm x 1300mm x 450mm

*In addition, the tolerance and accuracy of PVC injection molded products are very strict.

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PVC Injection Molding Material

The full name of PVC material is polyvinyl chloride, which is a widely used thermoplastic material.


  • Hard PVC
  • Soft PVC

The Advantage & Disadvantage of PVC Injection Molding

The advantages of PVC injection molding are significant, as it can provide high-quality products. However, in the specific application process, its limitations should be considered in combination.



Good Processing Performance

Easy to Decompose

Electrical Insulation Performance

Low-temperature Embrittlement

Low Cost

Size Limitations

Relatively Stable

Poor Compatibility

Corrosion Resistance

Destruction of the Environment

pvc injection molding

Application of PVC Injection Molding

The application of PVC is very extensive, covering many fields, such as building materials, automotive parts, electronic appliances, medical equipment, packaging, agriculture, sports, and toy industries.

pvc injection molding

Guidelines for PVC Injection Molding

PVC injection molding is a valuable asset in the injection molding process.

PVC Injection Molding Guide

PVC Injection Molding

The main principle of PVC injection molding technology is to inject molten PVC material into the mold cavity, cool it, and solidify it to form products with excellent physical properties and chemical stability. This unique technology is favored by manufacturers in various industries such as automobiles, construction, packaging, and consumer goods.

pvc injection molding

The Advantages of PVC Injection Molding

The reason why PVC injection molding is popular among suppliers is mainly due to its outstanding advantages:


The process is highly efficient, allowing for the production of large quantities of parts with minimal labor and material waste. This cost-effectiveness makes PVC injection molding suitable for high-volume manufacturing.

2. Design Flexibility

PVC injection molding enables the creation of complex shapes and intricate details, providing designers with a wide range of possibilities to bring their ideas to life. The molds used in this process can be easily modified to accommodate changes in design.

 3.Durability and Strength

PVC is a durable material that can withstand various environmental conditions, such as moisture, chemicals, and UV radiation. The injection molding process ensures that the final product has consistent strength and dimensional stability.

 4.Surface Finish

PVC injection molding can produce parts with smooth, glossy, or textured surfaces, depending on the design of the mold. This versatility allows manufacturers to create parts that meet specific aesthetic requirements.

PVC Materials for Injection Molding

PVC is available in various grades and formulations, each with its unique properties and applications. Some common types of PVC used in injection molding include:

1. Rigid PVC

Rigid PVC is known for its high strength, impact resistance, and dimensional stability. It is commonly used in applications such as pipes, fittings, and window frames.

 2.Flexible PVC

Flexible PVC is characterized by its softness and pliability. It is often used in applications that require flexibility, such as hoses, gaskets, and seals.

3. Foamed PVC

Foamed PVC is a lightweight material that is created by introducing gas bubbles into the PVC during the injection molding process. It is commonly used in applications that require insulation or reduced weight, such as foam boards and packaging materials.

 The PVC Injection Molding Process

The PVC injection molding process involves several steps, each of which is crucial to the production of high-quality parts:

1.Mold Preparation

The first step in the process is to prepare the mold. This involves cleaning the mold cavity, applying a release agent, and ensuring that the mold is securely clamped into the injection molding machine.

2. Pellet Feeding

PVC pellets are fed into the hopper of the injection molding machine, where they are transported to the barrel.

 3.Heating and Melting

As the PVC pellets move through the barrel, they are heated and melted by a combination of heat and pressure. The molten PVC is then forced through a nozzle and into the mold cavity.

4. Cooling and Ejection

Once the molten PVC has filled the mold cavity, it is allowed to cool and solidify. The cooling process is carefully controlled to ensure that the part retains its desired shape and properties. Once the part has cooled, it is ejected from the mold and undergoes any necessary post-processing, such as trimming or assembly.

Applications of PVC Injection Molding

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) injection molding is widely used in various industries. This technology allows for the efficient production of complex parts with high precision and consistency. Its applications mainly include:

 1.Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is one of the largest consumers of PVC injection molded parts. These parts are used in various components, such as door panels, dashboards, and interior trim. PVC’s durability, resistance to chemicals, and ease of coloring make it an ideal material for automotive applications. Additionally, PVC injection molding allows for the production of lightweight and cost-effective parts that meet the industry’s stringent safety and performance standards.

 2.Medical and Healthcare

The medical and healthcare sectors rely heavily on PVC injection molded parts due to their sterility, biocompatibility, and resistance to chemicals. These parts are used in a wide range of applications, including syringes, IV bags, and medical devices. PVC’s flexibility and transparency make it suitable for creating clear and flexible medical components. The injection molding process ensures a consistent and reliable supply of these critical parts.

 3.Packaging Industry

PVC injection molding is widely used in the packaging industry to create a variety of containers, bottles, and closures. PVC’s durability, resistance to chemicals, and ease of sterilization make it an ideal material for packaging food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Injection molding technology can accurately produce complex parts and products and also meet industry safety and quality standards.

 4.Electrical and Electronics

Manufacturers usually choose PVC injection molding technology to produce various electrical and electronic components, such as wire and cable insulation, switch casings, and connector parts.PVC’s electrical insulating properties and resistance to heat and chemicals make it suitable for these applications. The injection molding process enables the efficient production of complex and precise parts that meet the industry’s stringent requirements for safety and performance.

 5.Construction Industry

PVC injection molding is used in the construction industry to create a variety of building materials, such as window frames, door frames, and pipes. PVC’s durability, resistance to weathering, and ease of maintenance make it an ideal material for these applications. The injection molding process allows for the production of consistent and precise building components that meet industry standards for quality and performance.

6. Toys and Sports Equipment

Various toys and sports equipment, such as balls, dolls, and protective equipment, are produced using PVC injection molding technology.PVC’s flexibility, durability, and ease of coloring make it suitable for these applications. The injection molding process enables the efficient production of complex and intricate parts that meet industry standards for safety and quality.

 7.Household Appliances

PVC injection molding is used in the production of various household appliances, such as handles, knobs, and housings. PVC’s durability, resistance to heat and chemicals, and ease of coloring make it suitable for these applications. The injection molding process allows for the efficient production of consistent and precise parts that meet industry standards for quality and performance.

PVC Injection Molding Conditions

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process that can produce simple household items and even complex industrial components. The main process of this process involves injecting molten PVC material into the mold cavity and cooling and curing it internally to form the desired shape of the parts. One of the main reasons why PVC injection molding can be widely used is that it can achieve precise control of various parameters. 

 Importance of Molding Conditions in PVC Injection Molding

The parameter conditions of PVC injection molding determine the quality, consistency, and efficiency of the manufacturing process, and debugging must be completed before processing begins. By carefully selecting and adjusting these conditions, manufacturers can ensure that the final products meet stringent quality standards, minimize defects, and maximize production yields. Proper control of molding conditions also helps to reduce material waste, energy consumption, and overall production costs, making the process more sustainable and economically viable.

1. Key Factors in PVC Injection Molding Conditions


Temperature is a critical factor in PVC injection molding, as it directly affects the viscosity, flow, and solidification of the molten material. The melt temperature, mold temperature, and barrel temperature must be carefully monitored and maintained within specific ranges to ensure optimal material properties and part quality. Improper temperature control can lead to issues such as incomplete filling, warping, or degradation of the PVC material.


Injection pressure and holding pressure are essential parameters that influence the filling of the mold cavity and the final part properties. Injection pressure determines the rate at which the molten PVC is forced into the mold while holding pressure maintains the pressure in the mold during the cooling stage. Insufficient pressure can result in incomplete filling or poor surface finish, while excessive pressure may cause material degradation or mold damage.


Timing is a crucial aspect of PVC injection molding, as it affects the overall cycle time and the quality of the final product. Key timing parameters include injection time, holding time, and cooling time. Injection time determines the duration of the filling stage while holding time ensures that the part maintains its shape during solidification. Cooling time allows the part to solidify completely before ejection, preventing deformation or warping.

 Material Properties

The characteristics of PVC materials themselves can also have a significant impact on the injection molding process, such as density, heat resistance, and flowability. It is essential to select the appropriate PVC grade and additives based on the specific requirements of the part being produced. Factors like melt flow rate, thermal stability, and impact resistance should be considered when choosing the PVC material.

 Mold Design

The quality of PVC injection molding is largely determined by the design of the mold. The gate position, runner system, and part geometry of the mold can all affect the fluidity of the molten material and the final part characteristics. The manufacturer carefully designs the mold to ensure that the mold cavity can be uniformly filled and minimize residual stress, improving the quality and qualification rate of the molding process.

2. Best Practices for Optimizing PVC Injection Molding Conditions

  1. Conduct thorough material characterization: Understand the properties of the PVC material being used, such as melt flow rate, thermal stability, and impact resistance, to select the appropriate grade and optimize processing conditions.
  2. Establish a baseline: Start with recommended processing conditions provided by the material supplier or industry standards, and then fine-tune the parameters based on trial-and-error and experience.
  3. Monitor and control temperature: Ensure that the melt temperature, mold temperature, and barrel temperature are maintained within the recommended ranges for the specific PVC material. Use accurate temperature sensors and control systems to maintain consistent temperatures throughout the process.
  4. Optimize pressure settings: Adjust injection pressure and holding pressure to achieve complete mold filling without causing material degradation or mold damage. Monitor pressure profiles and adjust as needed based on part quality and process stability.
  5. Manage timing parameters: Establish appropriate injection time, holding time, and cooling time based on the part geometry, material properties, and mold design. Use a consistent and repeatable timing sequence to ensure consistent part quality.
  6. Implement mold design best practices: Work with experienced mold designers to create molds that promote uniform material flow, minimize residual stresses, and facilitate easy ejection of the final part. Consider factors such as gate location, runner system, and part geometry when designing the mold.
  7. Conduct regular maintenance and cleaning: Regularly maintain and clean the injection molding machine, mold, and ancillary equipment to ensure optimal performance and consistent part quality. Replace worn components and perform preventive maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
  8. Continuously monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor the PVC injection molding process and make adjustments to the conditions as needed based on part quality, process stability, and production goals. Use statistical process control (SPC) techniques to identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

The appropriate setting of PVC injection molding parameters and other conditions is the key to the start of injection molding. Manufacturers need to understand key factors, implement best practices, and continuously monitor and adjust processes during the manufacturing process to ensure consistency and cost-effectiveness in plastic production. The demand for PVC products in the field of plastic products continues to grow, so suppliers must master the art and science of PVC injection molding conditions. 


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